Welcome to a different

kind of continuing education


 We’re So Glad You’re Here

If you’re a clinician with a passion for women’s health, then the Institute for Pelvic Health’s, sister organization, Woman NP Please is “your place.”

We were frustrated at the lack of high quality, high-integrity, multi-disciplinary learning opportunities for clinicians who care for women. We are evidence-based AND we know firsthand the power of real-life clinical knowledge. We live and breathe it every day in our clinical practice. It’s time to really share the knowledge we all have and bring in clinical experts from all disciplines.

Are you ready for a different kind of CE?

Get access to our women’s health CE library


Meet The Founders

Melissa Hines, DPT,  and Kathy Kates, FNP love working together— caring for women in their intediciplinary pelvic health practice in Boston. Each week, they invite clinical experts to their clinical team meetings. This learning got them excited because it provdied new insights, fresh perspectives and totally transformed their clincial practice. They wanted to share this model of learning and voila….Woman NP Please was created!

Wish you had your very own clinical expert on call? Join Melissa & Kathy as they chat with women’s health clinical experts—who provide juicy clinical pearls that will reinvigorate your clinical practice.